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PRIZED POSSESSION PROJECT is a project of homeless individuals revealing their most valuable possessions.
Keith approached homeless individuals in Denver, Colorado with one simple question. “What is your most prized possession?” There are two main objectives to this project. The first is to examine the way in which we relate to “things”, from people in our society who have the fewest material goods. The second, is to humanize the epidemic of homelessness in the United States, by giving homeless individuals a chance to share their personal journeys. This population are largely categorized as a problem. By empowering some of them with a chance to share their stories, we are reminded, these are unique humans, like each of us. And we can learn from them. Possessions come and go. The emotional attachment with them remains eternal. What do each of us treasure in our heart and soul? And why? Prized possession project has been published on, Colorado yoga Magazine & Elephant Journal.

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