prized possession : late friend's phone
Sean explains his pain on the day we met. “My friend died two days ago from a heroin overdose,” he sobbed. The wound was still raw. Nursing his pain with a drink and companionship from a close friend, Sean, a 34 year-old with a Czech background, has been homeless since 18. “It’s mainly been because of garnishment and wages. I survive. There is a lot of food around.” The struggles of alcoholism have factored into his current circumstances. “I’m an alcoholic since 23 (years old).” His friend’s very recent passing was still being processed. “His name was Jeff. He was 51. He was an alcoholic. He was a good man.” Sean reveals these recent events are a catalyst for him to enter a detox program later in the day to sober up for a bit.
Most Prized Possession: His friend Jeff’s phone. It was a big part of the harsh realities of Sean’s past few days. “I had to call my friend’s father and tell him his son died, using this phone. It sucked.”